Friday, May 05, 2017

David Beckmann Urges You to Participate in Lobby Day in 2017

The world and our country have been making progress against hunger and poverty in recent decades and then again over the last few years, but President Trump and 115th Congress are pushing for unprecedented cuts in all the US government programs that are crucial to ongoing progress against hunger.

Bread for the world and our members have been able to influence Congress in all kinds of political situations and we have never faced a political situation that is as challenging as what we face now.  -Rev. David Beckmann
In the video below, Bread for the World President David Beckmann makes an appeal for members and allies to attend Lobby Day in Washington on Tuesday, June 13. Lobby Day is an opportunity for Bread members and activists to communicate personally with their members of Congress and their staffs. When activists visit Capitol Hill in large numbers, at the same time, and all talk about the same issue, they have a better chance of being heard in their advocacy. The theme of this year's Lobby Day is "Doing Our Part: Advocating for an End to Hunger." That's the same theme as Bread's 2017 Offering of Letters, which focuses on urging Congress to make funding decisions that will end hunger by 2030 Register Here

Bread members Larry and Ellen Buelow from Albuquerque will be there. We are organizing local visits in New Mexico on the week of Lobby Day to coincide with the big lobbying effort in Washington. Stay tuned for more details.

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