Friday, December 11, 2009

Lieutenant Governor Opposes Tax on Groceries

Thanks to the Democracy for New Mexico blog for alerting us to Lieutenant Gov.Diane Denish's comments opposing the proposed tax on basic groceries.  Denish adds a lot of weight to the growing effort to defeat this ill-advised solution to the state budget deficit.  

Here are the Lieutenant Governor's comments:
“Like many other states, New Mexico is facing tough times and we have to make some tough decisions in order to close our state’s budget shortfall. A lot of ideas have been put on the table, but one thing I will not support is an across-the-board tax on all food. When families are pinching and scraping to get by, taxing the basics like milk and bread is just not right.

We need a solution to the state's budget problem, but it should not come at the cost of making tough times even tougher for regular New Mexico families. We must start the upcoming legislative session by identifying ways to make government smaller and more efficient, such as overhauling the capital outlay process and ending the practice of double-dipping.”

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