Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Lights of Advent

By Rev. Kay Huggins

This morning I’m up early...wandering through the house, enjoying the lights inside and out. In the family room tiny colored lights intertwine with greens and plants, in the living room white lights surround the nativity scene, through the bay window icicles shine, across the backyard wall stars twinkle...and atop the roof a large star marks our home. 

Lights are a magical gift we give ourselves and others at Christmas time. Soft lights inside, bright lights outside, and the twinkle of a star help us appreciate and endure the darkness. 

Our seasonal lights are improvisations on the survival technique of those who learned the secret of sparks from fires or light from oil lamps.  We’ve transformed their ancient wisdom into Christmas lights!

And then come the luminarias, lighting the way for the Christ child into our hearts and homes. This dark morning as I watch for dawn, I’m comforted by small lights and aware of their symbolic value. My thoughts relax into the promise of the season: In him was life, and the life was the light of all people. 

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. (John 1:4-5). How are you appreciating or enduring the darkness of Advent this year? 

Seek with me loveliness divine in small, soft lights -- look out your windows at the trimmed houses, light a candle, watch a fire -- and ponder God’s gift of spiritual light in Christ Jesus.

The author is interim pastor at New Life Presbyterian Church

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