Very early in the morning on the first day of the week, the women went to the tomb, bringing the fragrant spices they had prepared. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in, they didn’t find Jesus’ body. They didn’t know what to make of this. Luke 24:1-4
"Like the women who stepped into that tomb that first Easter morning, we, too, find ourselves encountering an unexpected and even unanticipated Easter: No Alleluias greet us this Easter morn. No church bells echoing throughout our town. No children shrieking with joy as they uncover chocolate eggs and put them in their Easter baskets. No crowds of people stuffed into the pews. Not even the sound of cars making their way to church."
O Holy One, we come before you this Easter morning our hearts heavy with the sadness of the long Good Friday we have experienced—so much death, so much pain, so much fear have marked the days since we heard the words “You are dust and to dust shall you return”. And yet today as we stumble in the early morning darkness, hope wells up within us for we know that the empty tomb is not the end of the story. We trust in your promise of a risen life and as we search for signs of new life appearing in the world you have created and in the life you have given your people. Make us this day and every day witnesses to the Resurrection unfolding before us. Amen.An Invitation
Today, and in the days and weeks ahead, watch for signs of resurrection and new life—a community rebuilding, a child discovering, an insight received, a kindness given by a stranger, a gift unexpected, a delight unfolding. Write an account or take a picture or craft a poem or make a piece of art. Then do a post on our Facebook page (in the Discussion section) so we all can see Easter unfolding in the community we’ve come to know as companions on the Urban Way of the Cross. And when the fog of Corona Virus lifts and we can come out of our homes, join us for a joyful Urban Way of Resurrection.
[ Rev. Susan Allison-Hatch is an Episcopal priest mostly retired but serving occasionally at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. She has been walking the Urban Way of the Cross for the last 10 years]
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