"As people of Christ’s Way, we know the countless stories of God’s
rescuing, saving, forgiving love throughout the history of our faith. We
know the assurances Jesus gave his friends and students: that we will
never be forsaken, never left as orphans; that in believing in Jesus we
will never truly die; He himself will come and take us to the place
prepared for us."
The author, Rebecca Hemphill, selected these two songs--La ténèbre (Our Darkness) and No Greater Love--to go along with her written reflection for Holy Saturday. Please take time to listen to, reflect on and pray with each song. Each video has a brief text right below. At the bottom is a link to her full text.
(English Lyrics to Our Darkness)
Poet and renowned Bible scholar Walter Brueggemann
insists that Hope is birthed only from Truth that includes Lament.
Lament is the necessary element to prepare the space within us and our
societies for the miracle of our Creator always doing a new and saving
thing. To lament, we must fully inhabit our grief and fear.
heart’s cry of God’s people, the Lament of Good Friday and Holy Saturday
is the the necessary precursor to empty ourselves so that the seeded
memory of the history of God’s saving God’s people and creation, and
blessing the meek, sorrowful, and mourning can grow into the newness and
fullness of resurrection life promised. A life of solidarity,
compassion, and covenant where all meek are blessed and there is no
estrangement. (Brueggemann, “Hope from Memory” Devotions for Lent: A Way Other Than our Own)
And so today we lament. And then we sing and pray to
the One who makes all things new, that “Our darkness is never darkness
in your sight. The deepest night is clear as the daylight...Help us to
live your greater Love, and lay down our lives for those we love”
because you, Perfect Love, first love us. Amen.
Read Full Reflection
[Rebecca Hemphill serves in the healing prayer and music ministries at
Hope+in+the+Desert Episcopal Church and works professionally as a hospice chaplain].
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