Friday, June 08, 2018

Summertime Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Available to New Mexicans

Karen Navarro, Resource Directory Manager for SHARE New Mexico, posted this information in the organization's June newsletter.

All year round, food pantries and mobile food markets throughout the state address the service gap of free or affordable fresh vegetables and fruits available to underserved communities. Each summer there is a plethora of options, with farmers markets throughout the state offering healthy, nutritious food to New Mexicans.

The New Mexico Farmers' Marketing Association, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, is a statewide resource supporting New Mexico farmers, families and communities by providing public education, food access programs, technical assistance, and advocacy. The NMFMA website provides up-to-date information on everything you would want to know about these nutritious food outlets. Find a farmers market near you.

Also be sure to visit the NMFMA website to learn about Double Up Food Bucks. Utilizing federal and state funding, NMFMA’s Double Up Food Bucks program is available at approx. 80 outlets in New Mexico including farmers’ markets, farm stands, grocery stores, mobile markets, and CSAs. With Double Up Food Bucks, SNAP EBT card holders are better able to afford fresh fruits and vegetables grown in New Mexico. (Eg., if a SNAP recipient spends $26 with the EBT card, he/she can receive – for free -- another $26 in fresh New Mexico-grown fruits and vegetables).

If you would like to receive the SHARE New Mexico newsletter contact Wendy Wintermute (

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