Friday, December 22, 2017

NM Food and Agriculture Policy Council's 2018 Advocacy Agenda

Here is an update from Pam Roy, coordinator of Farm to Table and the New Mexico Food and Agriculture Policy Council

State Legislative Priorities
Since this is a budget session, the NM Food and Agriculture Policy Council’s continued priority is the NM Grown Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for School Meals appropriation request for restoration of $400,000. Representative Jimmy Hall and Speaker of the House Brian Egolf continue to champion and co-sponsor the legislation and has been pre-filed, HB62.

As this appropriation is part of the New Mexico Grown comprehensive farm to school initiative it is important for us to continue to build on this effort.

As the legislative session ramps up, the Council will likely have additional legislative priorities. We will provide action alerts and weekly updates.

Federal Farm Bill Priorities
Now is the time to act! Approximately every five years Congress takes up the Farm Bill which is a collective of federal programs focused on nutrition such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, which is 80% of the Farm Bill), support programs for farmers and ranchers, and conservation programs. Farm Bill at a Glance.

We need your voice and request your support!
Wherever there’s local food, there are farmers feeding communities and creating jobs. Demand is growing from consumers and sales are rising for farmers. It’s not always easy to go from farm to fork, however – missing links in our food and farm infrastructure mean that farmers often struggle to seize these opportunities. As a result, many communities across the country have little access to fresh, healthy food.

Photo: NSAC
However, there is good news!
A bill introduced in Congress seeks to connect those missing links! The Local Food and Regional Market Supply (FARMS) Act is a bill that everyone – eaters and growers alike – can get behind. See FARMS Act Briefing Sheet, Local FARMS Act Summary  More information from the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC)

The Local FARMS Act encourages communities to prosper through farm to fork investments, enables farmers to reach growing new markets, and helps consumers access fresh, healthy food and farm products. It will:
  • Help farmers reach new markets through outreach, cost-share, and technical assistance programs.
  • Increase access to fresh, healthy, local food among low-income groups and communities in need. Develop new and strengthen existing infrastructure that connects producers to consumers.
What happens next? Congress is already starting to work on the 2018 Farm Bill – the major food and agriculture package that comes around about every 5 years. We want The Local FARMS Act to be included in that package!

For that to happen, the bill needs co-sponsors – legislators who will stand up for farmers and communities by showing their support for the bill. Two ways you can help:

1. Sign on to the organizations' endorsement letter.
2. Ask your legislator to co-sponsor this bill. Tell your legislators: I am a constituent and a voter. (tell ‘em if you’re a farmer!) I support local farmers, and I want good food in my community. Please co-sponsor The Local FARMS Act (S.1947 and H.R.3941).

Call today – it takes just seconds to deliver this important message.

Rep. Michele Lujan Grisham202-225-6316
Rep. Steve Pearce, 202-225-2365
Rep. Ben Ray Lujan, 202-225-6190
Sen. Tom Udall, 202-224-6621
Sen. Martin Heinrich, 202-224-5521

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