Monday, July 24, 2017

'We Pray that Their Hearts be Moved to Act According to Your Will'

Judy Traeger, Jim Lozito, Father Charles, Carlos Navarro, Molly Lannon
On Sunday, July 23, we blessed the more than 120 letters that parishioners at St. John XXIII Catholic Community wrote the previous weekend during our Offering of Letters. Sixty one paper plate messages that children wrote in Vacation Bible School were also blessed.

The blessing took place both at the 9:00 a.m. Mass (where our pastor Rev. Ark Biczak presided) and at the 11:30 a.m. Mass (where sacramental assistant Rev. Charles Dougherty, CP, presided).

The letters were blessed with the special prayer that Bread for the World wrote for this year's Offering of Letters, is focused on urging members of Congress to make funding decisions that put our country and the world on track toward ending hunger.

Holy God, we give thanks that all good things come from you. You created us in your image, and invite us to share our love for you with one another. In a world where too many children go without food and where communities are torn apart by inequality and violence, we give thanks that your power is ever lasting. We pray that you will empower us to do our part to end hunger—as individuals, as communities, and even as elected officials. We pray for members of Congress who will receive letters asking them to make funding decisions that put us on track toward ending hunger by 2030. We pray that their hearts will be moved to act in accordance with your will. Help us to speak out when we see injustice, to answer the call when there is need, to be a blessing for the world. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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