Saturday, October 15, 2011

Former Child Soldier from Uganda to Share Story in Albuquerque

We've all heard very sad stories about children being conscripted into a rebel army (or sometimes the national army) in many countries where conflict prevails. This has happened around the globe, including the Middle East and North Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America and  sub-Saharan Africa.  (In Latin America, a recent trend has been for children to be recruited to work as couriers or to sell drugs on the street.  In some instances, they "graduate" into the ranks of enforcers).

We don't often get a chance to hear the accounts from the former child soldiers themselves.  When we do, the stories they tell us are very powerful.  

We now have a great opportunity in Albuquerque to hear from two former child soldiers in Uganda, one via a direct presentation and another through a video.

David, a former child soldier, will be speaking here twice on Sunday, October 30, thanks to the international organization Invisible Children, the local office of Catholic Charities, and groups at two local churches.  Along with David's talk, there will be a video where another child soldier, Tony, tells his story.

The first presentation will take place at 10:00 A.M., at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 619 Copper NW in downtown Albuquerque.  

If you are unable to make the first talk, David will be speaking at Aquinas Newman Center Catholic Church (auditorium), 1815 Las Lomas Rd. NE, at about 6:00 P.M. 

Here is a powerful video from Invisible Children

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