Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Book from a ONE Soccer Mom

Back in 2005, Bread for the World and The ONE Campaign asked a group of activists to travel to Gleneagles, Scotland, to ensure that we had a presence at the meeting of the Group of Eight (G-8) industrialized nations.  The purpose was to remind the leaders of the economic powers that we wanted them to give priority to global poverty and AIDS in their discussions.

I missed the trip to Gleneagles because I had another important commitment.  Had I gone on the trip, I might have had the chance to meet Shayne Moore, who was among the dozens of activists invited to be there.

Shayne has taken her commitment to ONE very seriously.  Her new book, Global Soccer Mom, which will be hitting the stores in January 2011, talks about her journey as a ONE activist.   Her website describes the book, which is entitled  Global Soccer Mom; Changing the World is Easier Than You Think
Shayne is an ordinary, full-time “soccer mom” who joined the ONE Campaign at its inception and who represents the heart of the movement. Shayne is an original member of DGAAN, Dupage Glocal AIDS Action Network, an advocacy group in her hometown.
Her prominence has opened some doors for her to talk about ONE and the global anti-poverty movement.
In 2007 Shayne was featured in a commercial with Julia Roberts, George Clooney and Matt Damon. Shayne has been interviewed by CNN, NBC, and was quoted and pictured in The Wall Street Journal (2006).    Shayne traveled to Capitol Hill for a photo shoot which was featured in the Africa issue of Vanity Fair (July 2007) with ONE members such as Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Pastor Rick Warren, Matt Damon, and NAACP chairman Julian Bond. Shayne has traveled to Honduras and to Africa twice to see first-hand the devastating effects of AIDS and extreme poverty on communities.
Be sure to put Shayne's book on your shopping list.  You can pre-order on the websites of some of the major booksellers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others.   And if you're involved in ONE and the global anti-poverty movement,  keep on truckin'. Keep up those visits with Congress, those letters to the editor, and those one-on-one discussions with our neighbors.  We do this with the knowledge that there are people like Shayne, Bono, Bishop Tutu and others who are making sure that our country's commitment to the Millennium Development Goals is not forgotten.

Below is a CNN video with an interview with Shayne. 

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