Monday, November 12, 2007

A Tribute to a Couple of Old Friends and Good Neighbors

The September issue of Bread for the World's monthly newsletter contained a great tribute to a couple of our good friends: Titus and Charlotte Scholl. In an article entitled Decades of Anti-Hunger Work in New Mexico and Nebraska, Bread offers tribute to the life's work of these two friends and anti-hunger advocates.

Titus and Charlotte were true cornerstones of the Bread for the World community in Albuquerque. When I first moved here in 1992, Charlotte and Titus were among the first Bread activists that I met. Often, I saw them at the monthly meeting on the third Saturday morning of month. They considered the annual offering of letters and legislative advocacy as a necessary complement to their life's work of being "good neighbors." (Luke 10:29-37)
"I really agree with Bread for the World's approach to using legislation to help hungry people," Charlotte said in the Bread for the World article. "It's not just about giving food, although that is important, but it's also about advocacy. The United States should do something about hunger and not just leave everything up to individuals."
Titus and Charlotte are best known in our community for starting Roadrunner Food Bank and The Storehouse.

Here's another excerpt from the Bread newsletter article:
The Scholls lived for 44 years in Albuquerque, where they started a program to give clothing, furniture and food for people in need. Initially, donations were left on their front porch. The project grew until today the goods are housed in a large warehouse (The Storehouse). The Scholls also helped to start a food bank in Albuquerque (Roadrunner) in 1970, when there were few precedents to guide them.
Titus and Charlotte moved away to their home state of Nebraska after a few years. Soon after that, Titus passed away. They have left a big legacy here in Albuquerque, not only with The Storehouse and Roadrunner Food Bank but with their work assisting with offerings of letters at St. Paul Lutheran Church and other ELCA congregations.

And their legacy lives on with Bread for the World. Through the
annuities and other planned giving program, they have ensured that they will continue supporting the organization for generations to come.

(Note: In the above photo, Titus and Charlotte were pictured at our Albuquerque celebration of Bread for the World's 20th anniversary in 1995).

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