Join Us for a Panel Discussion
A number of bills dealing with food, hunger and agriculture were introduced in the regular session of the 2021 State Legislature.
Among other things, these initiatives attempted to encourage the use of New Mexico-grown foods for school and senior programs, allocate emergency funding for our state's food banks, address hunger among college students, strengthen our state's farming economy, invest in community driven food systems, promote the health of soil for farming and other activities, and create an omnibus bill to ensure a sustainable and broad approach to addressing hunger in our state (HB207).
Which of these bills succeeded? And what is the role of HB2, the overall budget initiative, and committee decisions in the success or lack of success in these initiatives?
To learn more, the Interfaith Hunger Coalition invites you to join two advocacy leaders and a state legislator for a panel discussion on the results of the regular session of the 2021 State Legislature.
Our online event is scheduled for Monday, April 12, at 6:30 p.m.
To join the Zoom presentation, please send a note to nminterfaithhungercoalition@gmail.com We will send you a link a couple of days before the event.

Our panelists
- Kurt Rager, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry New Mexico. LAM-NM advocates for justice in public policy to alleviate poverty and hunger.
- Pam Roy, New Mexico Food and Agriculture Policy Council and Farm to Table. The NMFAPC is a statewide coalition of individuals, organizations and agencies whose mission is to advocate for food systems which strengthen our food and farm economies. Farm to Table collaborates with hundreds of partners across the state, region and nation, creating a ripple effect that touches our lives in big and small ways – at home, in schools and in the field.
- Rep. Melaine Stansbury, a state legislator from Albuquerque who was instrumental in the creation of the Food, Hunger and Farm Act (HB207). This bill, which was the result of deliberations by a broad work group, developed a list of priorities that ensured that proposals and needs from a broad group of stakeholders from around the state were taken into account.
- Jane Braithwaite, a volunteer legislative policy aide and a member of the IHC Education Committee, will serve as moderator
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