Friday, April 10, 2020

Urban Way of the Cross: Refugees at the Border

For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who is not partial and takes no bribe, who executes justice for the orphan and the widow, and who loves the strangers, providing them with food and clothing. You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. Deuteronomy 10:17-19
Reflection: A Communal Response to the Refugee Crisis

"Since October of 2018 during the various phases of our American refugee crisis we have been driving every other week to bring El Paso shelters your donated supplies and money. We connect folks here with folks there. We are a drop in the ocean of need...

The migrants used to come to us, now we go to them, responding to the cruel 'Remain in Mexico' bottleneck in Juarez. We bring donations of antibacterial wipes and cash to 'Seguimos Adelante,' who helps families in 15 Juarez shelters who must live with danger, standing water and failing heating systems.

We agree with Fr. Richard Rohr that “we cannot carry the pain of this reality on our own, nor can we only look out for ourselves. The pain is communal and so too must be the response.” 
Prayer (Adapted from Catholic Charities)
read by Carla Lanting Shibuya

"God of Mercy, we pray for all who flee their homes seeking safety and life. To you we lift up their hopes, their needs and their fears. Grant them protection. Grant us the tireless courage and fortitude that inspire world leaders to honor the human dignity and rights of asylum seekers and refugees around the world.  God of love, we pray that all of our sisters and brothers seeking refuge will be welcomed and supported with generous compassionate love and action. Amen."
[Glenn Rosendale and Linda Swindle for years have worked closely to support refugees and asylees at the U.S.-Mexico border, often in cooperation with Annunciation House in El Paso. They are founders of Francis Catholic Worker House in Albuquerque

Carla Lanting Shibuya,a member of the Shrine of the Little Flower, was co-director of Albuquerque Interfaith’s Asylee Welcoming Sites in 2019] .

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