Monday, November 03, 2014

Bread Rising in New Mexico: Act, Give, End Hunger by 2030

Our Bread Rising in New Mexico celebration on October 25 included reflections from four local Bread for the World members on three actions related to the Bread Rising campaign: Pray, Act and Give, as well as the theme of looking forward and working to end hunger by 2030.  We posted the text  of the reflection Pray earlier. Below are videos and excerpts from the reflections by Else Tasseron from St. Paul Lutheran Church (Act), John and Violet Foley from Mesa View United Methodist Church (Give), and Erik Medina from First Congregational Church (End Hunger by 2030).  Videos courtesy of Larry Buelow.
Matthew 25:34-40
Else relates a touching story about growing up as a child in The Netherlands, which was occuppied by the Nazis in World War II. Then she tells us why faith and action against hunger are related.

I firmly believe that God created a world where nobody needs to be hungry, let alone die of hunger  We need to confront this injustice...When God says "let the children come to me," how can we say No?When God says "feed the hungry," how can we say No? When God says "clothe the naked," how can we say No? When God says "love the outcast," how can we say no? No action is small. A pair of rubber gloves is not small when it prevents an infection...
BFTW Else Tasseron from Larry Buelow on Vimeo.

Luke 9:12-17 and  Mark 12:28-31
"God and my neighbor are connected.  That really changes everything for us as we seek to worship God and our neighbor. Our worship of God depends also on giving and serving our fellow human beings... Giving is worship. It's impoosible to worship God on our knees and not rise to give to our neighbor. When we reach for  the purse, our billfold, our checkbook, we worship God. When we give of ourselves, of  our resources, we worship our God."

BFTW Foley from Larry Buelow on Vimeo.

End Hunger by 2030
Psalm 145

Erik tells us how his experiences as a Presbyterian camp counselor influenced his involvement in Bread for the World.
After reading David Beckmann's book Exodus from Hunger, I have become increasingly convinced that we all have the power to help end hunger.

BFTW Erik Medina from Larry Buelow on Vimeo.

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