Sunday, December 17, 2017

Maryknoll Advent Reflection (Week 3) Light of the World

The birthing of a new consciousness reveals we are persons with an enormous capacity for goodness, creativity, generosity. We can forge a better society, one that shines with beauty, radiates truth and encourages us toward a sustainable future. -Barbara M. Hubbard

Ring the bell that still can ring. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in! Every heart, every heart to love will come like a refugee!  Leonard Cohen from the song Anthem
The Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent reminds us that the words in Latin are Gaudete in Domino semper, Rejoice in the Lord always, a theme reflected in the rose color of this Sunday.

This antiphon and the subsequent readings remind us that as we go about the work of Advent – to remain watchful for the Messiah’s return and prepar e our hearts to live holy lives – we have a joy in the journey : our salvation is already at hand, thanks to the grace and goodness of God.

In the Gospel reading this Sunday  (John 1:19-28) we hear that John the Baptist was a witness who testified to the light. The light is Jesus , who came to remove darkness from the world. We are like John the Baptist; we are chosen to witness to Jesus, the light of the world.

The salvation we await will liberate both the individual and the community, and its special focus will be the afflicted and marginalized . Maryknoll missioners often meet ordinary people who live extraordinary lives, shining God’s light in out- of-the-way places. See full text in the Advent Guide, which offers reflections, questions, prayers, and actions base d on each week’s Gospel reading and the experience of Maryknoll missioners who have lived and worked with communities affected by forced migration in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

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