Friday, January 27, 2017

Steve Garnaas-Holmes: We Won't Look Away from Injustice

Women's March in Albuquerque (Photo by Karen Navarro)
We marched to say we won’t look away from injustice, to say we will not exclude or demean anyone, that justice is for all.

We marched to pledge ourselves to live gently but out loud, to live with love and reverence, to heal and bless, to include the outcast and lift up the downtrodden, to speak truth, to work for justice and to be people of peace.

We marched in resolute hope, not anger.
We marched in wonder and gratitude for the power God gives us to resist evil, to love our neighbor and heal the world. We marched to surround ourselves with joy, beauty and hope.  It was not a protest; it was an affirmation.

(This an excerpt from March On, a reflection that Rev. Steve Garnaas-Holmes wrote about the Boston segment of the Women's March on Washington on January 21, 2017, published in his Unfolding Light blog)

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