Monday, July 25, 2016

Rev. Gabriel Salguero: Scripture Calls us to Change the System that Keeps People Hungry

As an Evangelical, ending hunger is a scriptural mandate, it's a moral imperative, it's a spiritual impulse.  Jesus, speaking to us in Matthew 25, said "For I was hungry and you gave me to eat." Even more deeply, when we learn about the Jericho Road and the Good Samaritan, it's really about the systemic structures that contribute to people being hungry and in abject poverty. Scripture, in the New Testament and Old Testament, is filled with this call, this passionate call at its basic level and and its most immediate level.
Bread for the World asked several prominent voices in the Christian community to share their vision of what it means to end hunger. This reflection in Spanish and English comes from Rev. Gabriel Salguero, president of the National Association of Latino Evangelicals (NALEO), co-pastor of the multicultural Lamb’s Church of the Nazarene in New York City, and former member of the Bread for the World board of directors.

Here is his reflection in Spanish


Here is his reflection in English 

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