Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Norbertine Community to Host Reflection on Spiritual Response to Climate Change

Holy Earth: Engaging the Spirituality of Climate Change

Saturday, July 23
 9-11:30 AM 

Santa María de la Vid Abbey (5825 Coors Blvd SW, Our Lady of Guadalupe Commons Building)

How is the global climate crisis affecting you and your community spiritually? To what sort of spiritual transformation is God calling us during this uncertain season of change, amidst worsening droughts, fires and floods? In what ways can we seek together to respond, as Pope Francis says, to “the cry of the Earth”?

Join us at the Norbertine Community for this initial interfaith open forum for conversation, mediation, prayer and song as we explore the evolving spirituality of living in a world increasingly impacted by the effects global warming. Climate change affects all of us, so your voice and participation are important!

Facilitated by Sara J. Wolcott, Union Theological Seminary 

Wolcott has been engaged in different areas of the climate change issue for nearly a decade, and has worked in India, Indonesia and England. She is currently completing her Masters in Divinity at Union Theological Seminary in New York, where she is involved with the Center for Earth Ethics.  Her work with the World Bank in India led her to realize the critical role that religion, arts and music play in adapting to climate change. At present, she is looking at climate-justice issues in different parts of the United States.

Sara is also an artist, singer-songwriter, author and board member of the Quaker Institute for the Future, an organization dedicated to addressing ecological and economic dimensions of climate change. She has written several articles for Sojourners magazine on issues related to climate change and our faith response.

(Photo of Ms. Wolcott via 14th International Environment Forum)

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