Sunday, April 10, 2016

Students at Atrisco Heritage Academy Partner with Soutwest Organizing Project to Promote Hunger Awareness

"If you're hungry you can't learn. You can't be truly present in the classroom. There's parts of our community that have more of a child poverty reality," Antonio Gonzales, principal at Heritage Academy
A group of students at Atrisco Heritage Academy High School and activists from the Southwest Organizing Project have joined forces to spread awareness abotu ending hunger and supporting local farmers. They're doing it with lunch periods dedicated to learning about food justice, and they're putting lasting changes into motion.

"Having our basic needs met, having it down to the root where we have food in our communities because this year Atrisco is classified as a Title 1 school and what that means is that most of our population here at Atrisco are from low income families and stuff like that and that means students when they come to school maybe their only meal is at school," said student Joseph Cante. Here is coverage from KOB-TV, along with the video below

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