Friday, February 27, 2015

Celebrate 50 Years of Up with People (and Support Saranam, an Organization that Helps Homeless Families)

There was a lot of buzz in the air. It was a Friday afternoon sometime in the mid-1960s, and we  could not wait for the school day to end. We were waiting in anticipation for the special concert scheduled after school--an international singing group (or should I say chorus) called Up With People, comprised of folks from around the world who performed songs about getting along,.Up with People, a global education and arts organization whose goal is to bridge cultural barriers and create global understanding through service and music, celebrates 50 years of existence this year, so the concert we experienced was one of the first performed by the group! Here is a promotional video:

And the concert did not disappoint.  Throughout the next week, we were all singing, "If more people were for people, there'd be a lot less people to worry about, and a log more people who care."  There are many versions of  this song on video (including this modern one), but the video below most closely resembles our experience in the 1960s.

Benefit Concerts in Albuquerque
Fast forward almost half a decade later to 2015, and Up With People is still thriving and performing concerts around the world. A site for a few of their concerts is The Hiland Theater, 4800 Central Ave. SE, in Albuquerque (map). The group will be performing at that venue through Monday, March 2, but the concerts on February 27 and 28 are specific benefits for Saranam, a 2-year housing and education program for homeless families in Albuquerque. Saranam offers a comprehensive range of services to assist families in transitioning beyond homelessness. 

Up With People's program, entitled "The Journey," celebrates the 50th anniversary of the organization, acknowledging that UWP’s mission is an ongoing journey, and is as relevant in 2015 as it was in 1965. Service remains a priority for members of the organization. This morning's Albuquerque Journal contained a photograph of two members of the group, Lucie Van Boogart and Ileana Le Grelle, both of Belgiium, helping to sort food at Roadrunner Food Bank. The current cast, which includes 93 people from 21 countries, is volunteering at seven non-profits in Albuquerque.

So now you have an opportunity to affirm the mission of these young people, enjoy a beautiful and uplifting performance and support the work of Saranam. Tickets are $18 for adults, $15 for students, $60 for families (2 adults and 2 children), and $50 VIP (includes access to a pre-show reception on Friday evening with Up with People cast members, access to the Up with People Green Room and VIP seating).

Friday, February 27, 7:00 p.m.   Buy Tickets
Saturday, February 28, 3:00 p.m  Buy Tickets
Saturday, February 28, 7:30 p.m.  Buy Tickets

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