Saturday, November 01, 2014

Making Hunger an Election Priority

The elections are coming up on Tuesday. Some of us already participated in early voting or cast absentee ballots. Others will go to the polls on the day of the vote. Regardless of how you participate in the election, please DO VOTE. Your vote matters. And if you're an anti-hunger advocate, please take time to study the positions and voting records of the candidates and cast your ballot for those who make ending hunger a national priority. Bread for the World provides an opportunity for you to pledge to vote for anti-hunger candidates.
Live your Christian values by taking action against hunger and receive this FREE car magnet to help spread the word!
Take this simple pledge to vote for candidates who make hunger a national priority, and you'll be taking a huge first step in addressing one of the most important issues of our lifetime and living out our Christian call to care for our neighbors. We've set a goal of 5,000 signatures before Election Day to show congressional candidates that we're serious about change. And when you pledge, you can choose to receive a free car magnet to show the world you care. 

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