In the last 10 years of Merton's life, he and Dorothy Day frequently exchanged letters and shared their deepest concerns. In some ways, they lived parallel lives pointed in the same direction: toward the inner and outer peacemaking that comes from radically seeking God's presence and Love in all things.
The thoughts and feelings of Dorthy Day and Thomas Merton are illustrated in a play performed in the style of "Reader's Theater." The performance, which is coming to Albuquerque in a couple of weeks, gives us an insights about their deepest struggles and intuitions about the meaning of death, about prayer, about mystical experience, war and peace--and the way of universal compassion and non-violent love which flows from a union with God.
Inscape Ministries presents
Thomas Merton and Dorothy Day: Pilgrims and Prophets of Peace
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
7:00-9:00 p.m.
Holy Family Church
562 Atrisco SW
Albuquerque (Map)
Free Admission
About the Play
The setting of the play is in a liminal twilight zone between life and death, heavean and earth, this life and the next. It is the space between death and eternal life. From this space the characters remember the entire panorama of their life's journey. They take stock of their lives by a final truthful gaze on all that has happened on their way home to God. May the witness of their lives touch, open, and expand our own hearts.
The cast:
David Hoover (Thomas Merton): a spiritual director, retreat presenter and actor. He offers retreats on prayer and spirituality. He holds a Masters Degree from the Franciscan School of Theology in Berkeley, California.
"What if the door to paradise is wide open--and we walk past it?" -Thomas Merton
Sharon Halsey-Hoover (Dorothy Day): a storyteller, actor, spiritual director and retreat presenter. She holds a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Counseling in San Francisco.
"My prayer from day to day is that God will so enlarge my heart that I will see you all, and live with you all, in God's Love." -Dorothy Day
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