Sunday, March 23, 2014


I am on the e-mail list for the San Francisco Theological Seminary's The Way of Blessing reflections during Lent. I must confess that I mostly skim through the e-mails and decide whether I want to read further. One of the reflections caught my attention, primarily because it offered a relevant connection to contemporary culture, particularly social media. Then I discovered that the piece was written by one of my Facebook friends, Rev. Aimee Moiso (who spent four years at Bread for the World). Aimee's post looks at our society's attitudes toward the concept of blessing (and the beatitudes) on Twitter.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Twitter is a popular place to express blessedness, often with the handle "#blessed." A quick scan today reveals the blessings of hip new sneakers, acceptance into college, a strong cup of coffee, the presence of God, good weather, and the start of a new day. Someone on the feed noted that #blessed is tweeted about 13,000 times a day on average. What's nice about the #blessed Twitter feed is that, generally, it showcases honest gratitude. A lot of people on Twitter feel thankful enough to say so.  Read Aimee's full reflection, which is based on Matthew 5:10-12
I did my own personal search on Twitter and found this example:

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