Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Movie (Like Water for Chocolate), a Delicious Meal (from La Casa Sena), and Support for Santa Fe's Farm to Restaurant Program

 On the menu at La Casa Sena
Remember the movie Like Water for Chocolate?  This food-centric film is the centerpiece of a fundraiser for the Farm to Table's award-winning program Farm to Restaurant. You will also be treated to a gourmet meal prepared with locally sourced ingredients by Chef Patrick Gharrity of La Casa Sena in Santa Fe.

This enticing "food and film" event will be held on Thursday, March 16, at 6:00 p.m. at the cozy and historic Jean Cocteau Cinema,418 Montezuma Avenue, in Santa Fe. Tickets are $25 per person. Buy your tickets in advance, as the event might sell out.

So please come out and support Farm to Restaurant, which facilitates local food sourcing between Santa Fe restaurants and area farmers and educates the public about the benefits of eating locally grown and prepared foods.  For more information, contact Nina Yozell-Epstein at Farm to Table.

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