Sunday, August 18, 2013

Bread Staff Delivers Petition with 30,000 Signatures to White House

Photo: Joseph Molieri for Bread for the World
Tens of thousands of anti-hunger advocates signed the petition to President Barack Obama asking him to set a goal and work with Congress on a plan to end hunger in the United States and abroad.

Some of those signatures were collected during an Offering of Letters.  Other advocates signed the petition online.

Several members of the Bread staff delivered the  petition to the White House on Wednesday, August. 14.  They met with members of the president's staff to discuss the content of the petition.  The petitions were carried by (left to right on the photo) Amelia Kegan, Gary Cook, Eric Mitchell and LaVida Davis.

But even though 30,000 signatures were handed over to the president, the petition drives continues.  Read More in this note from Bread for the World.

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