Monday, October 15, 2012

N.M. Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Invites You to Advocacy Conference on November 17

By November 17, we will know who will be the President of the United States and who will be representing us in the U.S. Congress and in the State Legislature in Santa Fe.  So, attending a conference entitled Advocacy: Making a Difference is very appropriate.  The conference , to be held at St. Luke Lutheran Church, 9100 Menaul NE, is sponsored by the New Mexico Lutheran Advocacy Ministry (LAM). The conference will take only half of  that Saturday, November 17, (9:00-1:00 p.m.),  leaving you free to enjoy a cool fall afternoon in Albuquerque.

In keeping with the theme of the conference, there will be workshops with titles like NM Legislature 101, Advocacy Basics, Hunger, and much more. 

Sen. Linda Lopez
And the keynote speaker is New Mexico State Sen. Linda Lopez, who has represented Senate District 11 (the South Valley in Albuquerque/Bernalillo County) since 1997.   Sen. Lopez serves on the Health and Human Services Committee and is chair of the Rules Committee.

"Plan now to attend and learn more about advocating for our many neighbors living in poverty," said LAM director Ruth Hoffman.

The cost of attending the conference is a modest $15, including lunch. To register or for more information, send an email to or call 505.984.8005. Registration deadline: November 13.

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