Friday, July 13, 2012

A Sustainable Way to Feed Nine Billion People by 2050

The Santa Fe-based non-profit organization Quivira Coalition has planned a very interesting conference in Albuquerque this coming November.The conference-which will look at food production, sustainability, environmental protection and other related issues--has a very intriguing title: How to Feed Nine Billion People From the Ground Up:  Soil, Seeds, Water, Plants, Livestock, Forests, Organics, and People  

Here is a description:
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, global human population is projected to reach nine billion by 2050, which means food production will need to expand by 70% to keep up. Fulfilling this demand will place unprecedented pressure on ecosystems, including the planet’s grasslands, especially as competition grows for scarce natural resources.

How to meet this daunting challenge while ensuring the health of land, water, wildlife and people will be one of the great tasks of the 21st century.

In this conference, we will explore a variety of innovative practices that are already successfully intensifying food production while preserving, maintaining, and restoring the natural world. 

So if you're like me, you are already very intrigued about this broad and comprehensive approach to this issue.  Organizers have asked a group of experts to offer their perspectives, including keynote speaker Gus Speth, award winning author and former presidential advisor. Click here to see the full line-up of speakers, who will discuss each of the elements: plants, soil, organics, livestock, seeds, and water.
More About the Conference
The conference will go from Wednesday,Nov. 14, to Friday, Nov. 16, at the Embassy Suites Hotel near I-25 and Mountain Rd. in Albuquerque. You can go one, two or three days. Here is the fee structure.  And here is a partial schedule.  Check on the conference site for updates and more information.

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