Friday, February 03, 2012

United in Prayer

Photo by Brian Kinsman
This past Sunday Central United Methodist Church hosted the inaugural Community of Hope service that brought people from the community together, housed and unhoused, churched and unchurched. 

Rev. Greg Henneman wrote a great piece about the service in his Reading Theology blog.  

Here is an excerpt.
Under an unseasonably warm January sun, the prayer response “Lord, Hear our Prayer,” echoed among a diverse group of people. Names were spoken, known only to those who called them out--“Lord, Hear our Prayer,” A man suffering with addiction asked for strength--“Lord, Hear our Prayer,”. A group of people who may not have found themselves together in any other social circumstance (Black, White, Hispanic, Native, Homeless, Wealthy, and Marginalized) united together in prayer, lunch, song, worship, conversation, communion, and community--“Lord, Hear our Prayer"

The altar pictured above was put together with materials from Art Street, a community-based project and collective open studio space where art is used as the connection for community-building for those without and those with homes.

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