Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Please Don't Forget Your Donation of Non-perishable Food Items

If you're joining us for our Circle of Protection prayer vigil on Saturday, October 22, please don't forget to bring you non-perishable food items.  We're donating the food to The Storehouse.  Bring full grocery bags if you can.

And here's why. A headline in this morning's edition of The Albuquerque Journal reads: Food Supplies Running Low at Some N.M. Nonprofits 
Here's an excerpt:
“Right now we are probably at the lowest food supply that we’ve been at in two or three years,”said Lee Maynard, president of the board of directors at The Storehouse. “We’re still managing to pull it together and find food when we need it, so we’ve not turned anybody away, but the crowds keep getting bigger and the food supply does not keep pace. So it’s definitely a problem.”
The holiday period is just around the corner, and food supplies traditionally pick up then.  But we don't need to wait until then.
“So, yes, we have food in our warehouse, but if we had more food, we could easily distribute it. The need is there,” said Sonya Warwick, a spokeswoman for Roadrunner Food Bank. “We’re still getting a lot of the same phone calls, people who are saying, ‘I’ve been laid off for a year, or 18 months, and I have to cut food out of my monthly budget or I have to limit my expenses at the store.’ ”
Here's the link to the full article in the Albuquerque Journal Web site (subscription required).

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