Monday, September 05, 2011

September Blessings

September in the Albuquerque Foothills
May September’s blessings be yours:
May the start of new things
         be deep and fruitful in you.
May the changes in the air
         ring changes in your heart.
May the lengthening of nights
         bring deeper peace and rest.
May flocks of geese flying south
         bring you on a journey
         toward your own soul.
May falling leaves relieve you
         of what you do not need.
May new emerging colors
         spangle your spirit.
May summer’s soft departure
         give you courage to be,
         and to be without.
May grace bear abundant harvest in your soul,
         extravagant bushels of belovedness,
         fit for the table of God.
And for you in the Southern Hemisphere:
may new light dawn,
         and new opening within
         bid you to come.
From Unfolding Light blog

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With all the negative energy being felt this is beautiful! Thank you author.
