Thursday, March 17, 2011

March 17: "Obey the Speed Limit Day" on the Lenten Carbon Fast Calendar

What is the first thing that comes to mind when someone asks you what are you commemorating today?  Many of us would say St. Patrick's Day.

But today, March 17, is also "Obey the Speed Limit Day" on the Lenten Carbon  Fast Calendar developed by the Conference Leaders of Religious Institutes (NSW)

Here is today's entry.
March 17:  Show reverence for life and for the Earth today by obeying the speed limit when driving. The faster you drive, the more gasoline you burn per mile. You also increase your risks of causing an accident, injuring yourself or others.
There are suggested actions for every day of the Lenten season, from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday.  The calendar for 2011 is targeted to people who participated in the 2010 Lenten Carbon  Fast, but is also easy to use for those participating for the very first time.

There are some actions related to food and social justice.  Consider this entry.
March 14. Be aware of your food waste this week. Look for opportunities to avoid discarding food by planning well and eating leftovers.
March 19: Purchase more mindfully today. Seek out manufacturers who use organic and sustainable materials and who respect thei workersʼ rights.
April 2: Look to purchase locally grown food today. Grocery shop at your nearest farmerʼs market. Not only are you reducing CO2 emissions by buying local food, itʼs fresh and tastes great!
View the full Lenten Carbon Fast Calendar

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