Friday, December 31, 2010

El Asunto Moral

If you have been following the news, you are probably aware that Bread for the World President David Beckmann and Bread for the World have received a lot of good publicity this year. The cherry on the sundae, of course, was the news around the awarding of The World Food Prize in October.

David has been interviewed by Newsweek and The Huffington Post.  He has also written opinion pieces for local newspapers like The Birmingham News.

Did you know that David also wrote an opinion piece in the Spanish-language newspaper La Opinión, which is based in Los Angeles?  Here is an excerpt: 
"...El asunto moral más urgente es si mantendrán el reembolso impositivo a los bajos ingresos (EITC) que beneficia a familias trabajadoras que viven en la línea de la pobreza. Si el Congreso no extiende el nivel actual de créditos tributarios para trabajadores de bajos ingresos, casi 1 millón o más de niños caerán en la pobreza." Read full piece 
David wrote the piece before Congress voted to maintain the EITC and Child Tax Credit earlier this month. 

As we go into 2011, we hope that the Congress will continue to take the "moral path" that David addressed and keep a high priority on the needs of low-income families in our country and overseas.

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