Saturday, February 06, 2010

Taize Community: Prayers for Haiti on the 12th of the Month

Echoing a suggestion made by a youth from Haiti, the Taizé Community invites everyone who is able to pray for the people of Haiti, either singly or in a group, the 12th of each month for 12 months following the earthquake of January 12.


Visiting Haïti in 1983, Brother Roger (founder of the Taizé community) stayed at Cité-Soleil, a slum in Port-au-Prince.  (Photo from Taizé website)

The Taize community has developed a wonderful sequence of prayers and songs for Feb.12, ending with this closing prayer:
God our hope, we entrust to you the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Dismayed by the incomprehensible suffering of the innocent, we ask you to inspire the hearts of those who are trying to provide the aid which is so indispensable. We know how deep the faith of the Haitian people is. Strengthen the downhearted; console those who are weeping; send your Spirit of compassion on this people which has been so sorely tried.
Click here to see full sequence of prayers and songs for Feb. 12

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