Saturday, February 10, 2007

Green Ribbon Prayer

This year, many denominations, religious organizations and communities of faith are working together to urge Congress to ensure that the 2007 Farm Bill places a high priority on alleviating hunger, promoting economic justice and sustainability, and recognizing and supporting those who help put food on our tables, whether it's family farmers or farm workers.

One partner in this effort, the National Catholic Rural Life Conference, has advocated for these principles for a long time. The NCRLC's efforts, including the Green Ribbon Campaign and Eating is a Moral Act, were developed primarily for Roman Catholics (especially those of us who live in urban areas), but these campaigns can be applied universally.

If you would like to know more about the NCRLC's efforts, please join us at a Bread for the World workshop on Bread for the World's Offering of Letters,
Seeds of Change: Help Farmers. End Hunger on Saturday, March 24, at 9:30 A.M. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Albuquerque. Click here for more details One of our speakers is Sister Joan Brown, an NCRLC board member.

And here is a prayer from the NCRLC's Green Ribbon Campaign.

Green Ribbon Prayer
Let us pray to the God
who loves us and calls us.

Give us, O God, the competence to see
clearly and the courage to act forthrightly.
Bless the men and women whom you
have called to a vocation of farming.
Keep us ever mindful of their struggles.

Help us to respect the web of creation and recognize the many
dimensions of stewardship. Show us how to appreciate the diversity of
our regional landscapes, the distinctive integrity of rural life, and the
natural beauty of local cultures.

O God, guide us in this budding solidarity. Help us to go beyond
narrow self-interest. Lead us, give us light and dispel the darkness. We
pray that we will walk with You in humility, engage with others gently,
and seek justice for all. Amen.

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